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XXV Poetry in action Marathon

Free entrance at any time.
Date: the 15th Of June, 2024
Place: Pati Manning (see map)
In aid of: Associació ACPAE (prevenció de la violència infantil i jovenil) (see web)
Competition rules: Rules

Our XXV solidarity poetry marathon is here.
On our 25th anniversary, we celebrate a very special marathon full of surprises, details and beautiful memories.
We will have recycling workshops, recitals by students and renowned poets, musical performances, commemorative details and many surprises that you cannot miss.

Come celebrate with us at Pati Manning on Saturday, June 15.

Christmas for everyone 2023

Free entrance at any time.
Date: the 14th Of December, 2023
Place: Biblioteca Joan Coromines (see map)
In aid of: DIS-MA (see web)
Competition rules: Rules

We are recovering our Christmas event to help the DISMA association and taking advantage of the fact that we are celebrating our 25th anniversary, we have many surprises prepared, including the raffle of 4 Christmas lots!

Entity Fair 2023

Free entrance at any time.
Date: the 30th Of Setember, 2023
Place: Pl.Nova Dones Tèxtil (see map)
In aid of: - (see web)
Photo gallery: Fira_Entitats_2023

More than 40 associations are mentioned in the XI Feria de Entidades del Masnou

Recital to help Morocco

Free entrance at any time.
Date: the 20th Of Setember, 2023
Place: ON-LINE
In aid of: Fons Català del Desenvolupament (see web)

Given the recent earthquake that has devastated Morocco, we propose this recital, Dialogue between poetry and song, to try to do our bit and help them.


Free entrance at any time.
Date: the 17th Of June, 2023
Place: Pati Manning (see map)
In aid of: AVISMÓN (see web)
Competition rules: Rules

In the XXIV edition of our POETRY MARATHON, at the PATI MANNING (C/Montalegre, 7 in Barcelona) on Saturday, June 17 at 10:30 a.m. at 7:30 p.m. Free admission!

The act includes, in addition to poetry, storytelling and traditional songs. In addition, we will present our new book published for the occasion that includes all the prize-winning poems of students and those of some poets who collaborate with the cause.

A beautiful act that you cannot miss!


Free entrance at any time.
Date: the 18th Of June, 2022
Place: Pati d´en Llimona (see map)
In aid of: Make a wish (see web)
Competition rules: Rules

This year the XXIII Poetry Marathon in Action is held on Saturday, June 18 in the Pati Llimona (a palace built on the Roman walls) c / Regomir, 3 Barcelona, near the CCCB in the center of Barcelona.
There, a diploma will be delivered to the award-winning students and we will celebrate this day of solidarity. The benefits of this solidarity marathon will go to the MAKE A WISH association, which is dedicated to spreading hope by making the wishes of children with serious illnesses.



Free entrance at any time.
Date: the 18th Of December, 2021
Place: Pati d´en Llimona (see map)
In aid of: Fundació Vicki Bernadet (see web)
Competition rules: Rules
Photo gallery: XXII_Maraton

This year the XXII Marathon of Poetry in Action is being held on Saturday 18 December in the Pati Llimona (a palace built on Roman walls) c / Regomir, 3 Barcelona, ??near the CCCB in the center of Barcelona. There, following all the recommendations of the covid-19 protocol, a diploma will be given to the awarded students and we will celebrate this day of solidarity. The benefits of this solidarity marathon will be to prevent child abuse from the Vicky Bernadet Foundation


Free entrance at any time.
Date: the 19th Of December, 2020
Place: Pati Manning (see map)
In aid of: Fundació de l´Hospital Sant Joan de Deu (see web)
Competition rules: Rules
Photo gallery: XXI_Maraton

In our XXI edition of our POETRY MARATHON, at PATI MANNING (C / Montalegre, 7 in Barcelona) on Saturday December 19 from 10:00 a.m. at 2:00 p.m. ..

Event to benefit the Sant Joan de Deu Hospital foundation, specifically to help children with cancer.

The event includes, in addition to poetry, storytelling and traditional songs. We will also present our new book edited for such an occasion that collects all the award-winning poems of students and those of some poets who collaborate with the cause.

A beautiful act!


Free entrance at any time.
Date: the 20th Of December, 2019
Place: Ateneu Barcelonés (see map)
In aid of: Els quatre camins solidaris (see web)


Free entrance at any time.
Date: the 17th Of December, 2019
Place: Biblioteca Joan Coromines (see map)
In aid of: Afibromare El Masnou (see web)


Free entrance at any time.
Date: the 15th Of June, 2019
Place: Pati Manning (see map)
In aid of: fundació Vicenç Ferrer (see web)
Competition rules: Rules

From 10:30 am to 8:30 pm, we will enjoy a series of very emotional recitals by alumni of institutes and poets, with varied artistic performances, multicultural lunch and snacks and many pleasant surprises. The benefits will be used for the construction of a house for the most disadvantaged families of Anantapur, in India, through the VICENÇ FERRER Foundation

There will be stories, theatrical monologues, live music, together to the participation of singers and dancers in the world.

You can also enjoy an intercultural lunch for € 8 adults and € 5 for children, as well as workshops for students, haikus, recycling, as well as well as visual poetry about human values.

The entry is free and you are all invited to celebrate with us this day of poetry and solidarity.


Free entrance at any time.
Date: the 9th Of June, 2018
Place: Pati Manning (see map)
In aid of: Fundación África Viva (see web)
Photo gallery: XIX Maraton

Poetic musical recital of the winners of the XIX Poetry in Action Award and of the various poets who have offered their poetry for the edition of the Poetry of solidarity anthology, whose benefits will be destined to the project Safe Motherhood and Training of Nurses in Sierra Leone, developed by St. John of God Catholic Hospital of Sierra Leone and for Africa Viva Fundacion (www.africaviva.es), initiatives with the aim of improving access to basic health services, especially maternal and child health.
There will be storytelling, theatrical monologues , live music, along with the participation of singer-songwriters and dancers of the world.

You can also enjoy an intercultural meal for € 8 adults, € 5 minors, as well as workshops for students, haikus, recycling, as well as visual poetry about human values.

Admission is free and you are all invited to celebrate this day of poetry and solidarity with us.


Free entrance at any time.
Date: the 22th Of December, 2017
Place: Ateneu Barcelonés (see map)
In aid of: Refugiats del Sàhara (see web)

Dinner social solidarity

Free entrance at any time.
Date: the 17th Of November, 2017
Place: Ateneu Barcelonés (see map)


Free entrance at any time.
Date: the 17th Of June, 2017
Place: Pati Manning (see map)
In aid of: Médicos sin fronteras (see web)

Poetic musical recital of the winners of the 18th Poetry in Action Award and of the various poets who have offered their poetry for the edition of the anthology Poesia solidaria, whose benefits will be used to help refugees from Síria through the NGO Médicos Sin Fronteras.
There will be storytelling, theatrical monologues, live music, along with the participation of singer-songwriters and world dancers.

You can also enjoy an intercultural meal for € 8 adults, € 5 minors, as well as workshops for students, haikus, recycling, as well as visual poetry on human values.

Admission is free and you are all invited to celebrate this day of poetry and solidarity with us.


Free entrance at any time.
Date: the 22th Of December, 2016
Place: Ateneu Barcelonés (see map)
In aid of: Médicos sin fronteras (see web)

On Thursday December 22 we will make a Christmas recital for all for a very good cause, get money to help Syria through Doctors Without Borders at the Ateneo Barcelonés de Barcelona (C / Canuda, 6 - Barcelona) [Map]. As every year, students and poets who want to put their granite of solidarity and their mountain of hope in this new charity project of Poesia en Acció will participate in this recital.

Admission to the event is free and tickets were sold to two euros for the raffle of a Christmas basket


Free entrance at any time.
Date: the 11th Of June, 2016
Place: Pati Manning (see map)
In aid of: Plataforma unitaria contra las violencias de genero (see web)

Poetic musical recital of the winners of the XVII Poetry in Action Award and of the various poets who have offered their poetry for the edition of the poetry Poetry solidarity, whose benefits will be delivered to the oenegé unitary platform against gender violence that works for eradicate violence against women in our society.
There will be storytellers, theatrical monologues, live music, along with the participation of singer-songwriters and world dancers.

You can also enjoy an intercultural meal for € 8 adults, € 5 minors, as well as workshops for students, haikus, recycling, as well as visual poetry on human values.

Admission is free and you are all invited to celebrate with us this day of poetry and of solidarity.


Free entrance at any time.
Date: the 16th Of December, 2015
Place: Ca n´Humet, El Masnou (see map)
In aid of: fundació Temps i Compromís (see web)

On Wednesday December 16 we will celebrate the first Christmas recital (Nadal per a tothom) in the scenic space of Ca n´Humet (C / Fontallis, 77 of El Masnou) for a very good cause: getting teenagers at risk of exclusion can carry out some orientation workshops that will be directed by the Temps i compromis foundation.
Like every year, both students and poets will participate in this recital who want to put their granite of solidarity and their mountain of hope in this new solidarity project of Poetry in Action. This act will also have an emotive and endearing point because the high school students have written letters addressed to teachers that were important to them and from which they will read some fragments. We are also inviting these same teachers so that they can now receive, after a few years, the memory made word, converted into memory and love. That is why on this day of volunteering, we invite you to participate in this Christmas welcome from poetry, art, music, sensitivity in short, aimed at a collective that needs it so much, our youth.
% % Admission to the event is free and there will be numbers for two euros for the raffle of a Christmas basket.


Free entrance at any time.
Date: the 13th Of June, 2015
Place: Pati Manning (see map)
In aid of: ONG Buena Voluntad en Accion (see web)
Photo gallery: XVI Maraton

Poetic musical recital of the winners of the XVI Poetry Prize in Accio and of the seventy poets who have offered their poetry for the edition of the Poesia solidaria anthology, whose benefits will be given to the oenege Good Will in Action that works for social inclusion and work in the neighborhood of Poble Sec in Barcelona.
There will be storytelling, theatrical monologues, live music, along with the participation of singer-songwriters and dancers of the world.

Throughout this solidary day we will dedicate a tribute to two poets that we have recently left, our companion, Elisa El Zougbhi and the poet Jesus Lizano.

You can also enjoy an intercultural meal for € 8 adults, € 5 minors, as well as workshops for students, haikus, of recycling, as well as visual poetry on human values.

Admission is free and you are all invited to celebrate with us this journey of poetry and solidarity.


Free entrance at any time.
Date: the 31th Of January, 2015
Place: Institut Maremar (see map)
In aid of: UNESCO MASNOU (see web)

January 31 is the DENIP (School Day of NO violence and Peace) and many schools have taken to the classrooms proposed to reflect on the role of students, educators, everyone, to build a society that works and lives by peace and solidarity. We leave you here, a school in Masnou, where we have a delegation, in which the students of a subject called ´Poetry Workshop in Action` in collaboration with UNESCO MASNOU wrote combinable phrases and with which you can create other phrases , all on the theme of Peace. ´You can choose ... ´
And now, more than ever, after what happened in France, after the terrorism that crosses the world, it is necessary to educate for peace.


Free entrance at any time.
Date: the 19th Of December, 2014
Place: Ateneu Barcelonés (see map)
In aid of: Casal Infantil de la Mina (see web)

Poetry in Accio celebrates, after fifteen years, again the Nadal per a tothom at the Ateneo Barcelones, this Friday, December 19 at 7.30 p.m. The act will consist of a charitable recital in which more than thirty poets will participate who will read poems about human values ??and in which we will dedicate a sense homage to Montserrat Abello, Jaume Sisterna and Elisa El Zoughbi, poets who left us this year and who accompanied in many of the causes of solidarity of our association. We will also have the musical intervention of singer-songwriter Emiliano Valdeolivas.

The entrance to the event is free and there will be numbers for two euros for the raffle of a Christmas basket for the benefit of Casal Infantil de la Mina. The success of this act will depend in part on the support of the media and, above all, on the generosity of all those who receive this informative note and make it reach your friends. The work of the Casal Infantil de la Mina is admirable and this Nadal per a tothom we would like that with art and solidarity we could help these children who need it so much. We will carry the illusion, the poetry, the deserved memory, and all in the unbeatable setting of a house of culture such as the Ateneo Barcelones. May this message with the best wishes of a happy Christmas for all be extended by the firmest and greatest will, that of love.


Free entrance at any time.
Date: the 11th Of December, 2014
Place: Ca n´Humet, El Masnou (see map)

For the benefit of the organization CENTER CATALÀ DE SOLIDARITAT, which is in charge of helping people in treatment for addictions, we celebrate the first of our 2 Christmas acts:
December 11, at 18:00 in Ca n´Humet


Free entrance at any time.
Date: the 14th Of June, 2014
Place: Pati Manning (see map)
In aid of: fundación ´SOÑAR DESPIERTO´ (see web)
Photo gallery: XV Maraton

On our XV anniversary and therefore, the XV edition of our MARATHON OF POETRY was held at the PATI MANNING (C / Montalegre, 7 Barcelona) on Saturday, June 14 at 10: 30h.

The act was to benefit of the foundation ´SOÑAR DESPIERTO´, which helps children at risk of social exclusion.

The act included, in addition to poetry, a multicultural meal, storytelling, theatrical monologues, traditional songs, and various workshops to reinforce, in a playful way, human values. In addition to sold many copies of the book edited for such an occasion that collects all the winning poems of students and those of some poets who collaborate with the cause.

A precious act, thanks to all who helped us!


Free entrance at any time.
Date: the 8th Of March, 2014
Place: Can Malet (see map)
In aid of: Educacio Sense Fronteres

A recital of POESIA FOR EQUALITY. EDUCATE FOR FREEDOM organized by Poesia en Accio with the support of more than twenty Masnou entities and held in Can Malet (Paseo Maria Rossell 11, El Masnou, Ocata Station) on March 8 at 7:30 p.m. In the middle of the act a solidaria snack was offered for the benefit of Educacio Sense Fronteres del Masnou.